Installation Link

Copy the following to the <head>of your HTML

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Alerts are used to display short, important message to the user. To implement this functionality, add the alert class to your <p> tag

Standard Alerts

Based on the purpose 0f the alert, a second class is to be added to the tag. This class adds background color to the alert.

Status Classes for background

To adjust the color of any of the above status classes, in your stylesheet do :root { --color-status-success: <color>; --color-inverse-status-success: <color>; } . This will change the the color wherever you use the status class, that is, in status-warning-outline (borders), status-warning-bg (bacground), and status-warning (text) classes. The inverse --color-inverse-status-warning property is used to provide appropriate text color against the status background.

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Outline Alerts

The outline class is an alternative to the background class.

Status Classes for Outline

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