Installation Link

Copy the following to the <head>of your HTML

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Avatars are used to represent users in a virtual community. They can be the user's picture or graphical illustrations. To implement this functionality, add the avatar class to the <img> tag

Additional Classes

round class is used in the below example to make the avatars round.

Size Classes for Avatar

Status Classes for Avatar

These classes add a border to the avatars, indicating availability

To adjust the color of any of the above status classes, in your stylesheet do :root { --color-status-inactive: <color>; --color-inverse-status-inactive: <color>; } . This will change the the color wherever you use the status class - status-inactive-outline (borders), status-inactive-bg (bacground), status-inactive (text). The inverse --color-inverse-status-inactive property is used to provide appropriate text color against the status background.

img img img img
img img img img img